Saturday 31 December 2011


if I had known now back then, i wouldn't have give you a chance. but If i haven't had met you -i wouldn't be the person I am today. I can only thank you for the pain, and thank myself for coming out of it. I don't hate you -i'm not even sure if i have the full energy to pity you. but I do know you cross my mind and the background theme song is ALWAYS Beyonce's 'Best Thing I Never Had'.

I'm going into the new year knowing truly what I am capable, who I've become and where I want to go. and no man will ever again tell me its not possible, because 'seeing is decieving (and baby) dreaming is believing'

In the entire time I was with you I learnt only these things: to use face wash instead of face wipes to wash my face, brush my teeth before bed, and that you're not even human -oh and that I'll NEVER let someone like you back in my life ever again (even if yo are a one off! and yes that is a bad thing in your case!! LOL)

2012 WILL BE my year for true love: for myself and a special someone.

SO no, you didnt fuck me up, youre the only one that is stuck in monochrome honey....I can move on and I'm THANKFUL its without you...dem apples must hurt like a biatch that the balls in my court. oh well sweet heart, heres my final famous words


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