Tuesday 29 December 2009

oh yea....and i'm a poet. lol

so i literally just wrote this. something i'm continually going through.......the poem explains the rest. love x


I woulda left before
If I knew this was there
But the deeper we go
The harder it is not to care

Everyday I’m wondering when
These tears are gonna stop fallin
When your gonna stop trynna change the impossible
And realise the beauty you behold in your hands
Night after night
And if your every gonna appreciate me
And stop causing the fights

Cause I could give you my heart on slate
And you’ll still have something to say
Never happy, and I’ll put it all out
And all I’ll get is a ‘its okay’
Cause what you don’t realise is that
No one will love you harder, or work more than I
But every attempt with you seems a failed try

I suspect I could say I love you
And you’d reply something foolish
That’ll make me crumble that bit more
Push me over the edge that lil father
Knock me further
And hit my head that much harder

But ones gotta wonder
When I’m gonna realise that fallin only hurts
And you’ll never be able to change me
And when will I find someone who’ll actually accept
And actually appreciate my worth.

K.L 2009

Wednesday 23 December 2009


I'm superly stoked right now. knowing in a matter of hours my boyfriend will be down from norwich city, and i can cuddle up to him and make it like we havent seen eachother in months. It's true, you know, distance does make the heart grow fonder, sometimes even ache. But none the less I am stoked, and MORE than looking forward to being made to watch basic instinct...er....good times?!! lol
Currently trying to gather a crowd to go bowling next week cause apparently my boys 'a pro' (his words not mine lol, in his defence I am yet to see him play!) but its also a great excuse to get bare peoples together to have a mahooosive laugh :-)

Otherwise the snow has still over taken town, everyones still 'OMG THE SNOW!' apparently still suffering with the inability to register the weather. People in England are never damn happy. Either its too hot or its too cold, and they always dream of a white Christmas and the moment they bloody get it their moaning again! blimey people! fix up look sharp! personally i believe its a pain in the arse -simply because of travelling, trying to get to place- but otherwise on the whole i thinks its AWSOME! how often do we get snow peoples anyhoes? Stop complaining and be happy for once! Be grateful you have a damn home, think this must be the worst time EVER to be homeless (not that its good neways).

Anyhoes better dash, got errans to run and work to be at and i still need to get dressed lol. LOVE X x X

Sunday 20 December 2009

new to this.....

So in fact i've been meaning to get me one of these bad boys for a while.........lets face it myspace blogging aint what it cracked up to be! and besides no one reads my poetry on there anymore anyways (cause facebooks the new millenium or sumthing lol) So this right here is just what the poet ordered.

So as I write this i'm currently frezzing my tatas off and listening to Priscilla Renea's rendition of Mariah Carey's 'Touch My Body' over and over again cause its wiicked and i can't be arsed to find something else to listen to. I do believe her 'My Apple' is farrr to scandalous to believe!

anyhoes, think its about time i settled down (after clearing the massacre than has taken upon my bed) and then finally watch 2 fast 2 furious 4 in the warmth of my budwa. And lets face it, it was and still is only ever good when Vin Disel is in the film, otherwise who are we kidding. its absolute bollox without that buff specimen of a man in it!

later aligator! x